There are a variety of local ways to remediate sites. These are outlined in the video ” Soil Remediation Methods: Pros and Pros and”:
In-situ vitrification, also known as ISV is one of the most popular methods employed for remediation of sites. It involves melting dangerous waste products on site to form a solid glass-like material that can be easily eliminated from the surrounding area. A new development in this sector is the application of mechanical mixing in order to cut down on both costs and the time required to implement the technique.
Batch treatments are comparable in their treatment to ISV because they use on-site execution and use of cementing agents with contaminating wastes but do not use heating or vitrification. One of the main advantages of local remediation of the site in comparison to ISV is the capacity to treat a wide range of contaminants from multiple sources.
Containment is the practice of isolating harmful wastes through techniques such as steel drums or tanks unable to store liquids due to corrosion. This approach of remediation local to the site allows dangerous materials to remain on site, while it is treated using different methods.
A variety of techniques can be utilized in order to remove waste from sites. There are three types of sites remediation that are natural, chemical and mechanical. Each of them is able to be broken down into many different techniques.